Thursday, October 30, 2008

I am bringing this "globe" (for lack of anything better to call it) to an art show tomorrow night. The theme is light and dark, and while this globe does not make it dark when you put it on your head, it is very isolating.

My plan is to try and convince people to put it on their heads, but one of these days I am going to bring it into the city and take photos of random people transformed into giant fisher price little people. Not only am I a fan of making people experience something that takes them out of their comfort zone (and trust me the experience will only be greater out on the city streets when the sounds become muffled), but I think it raises pretty interesting questions of identity and how we define ourselves.

Anyway, I liked how these photos came out, although the color isn't exactly right, so I thought I would give all my loyal readers a sneak peak. Now you can say you saw it here first :)


JoannaShmoanna said...

Neat! At first I thought those were 6 different people. Then I looked closer...

altdesigner said...

oh the fond memories i have of that globe...and my supplies in the basement for mass destruction!